Friday, September 30, 2011

Uninterruptible Power Supply - The Basics

Your computer can be adversely affected by the problems that its power supply encounters from the wall outlet or power source. One problem the power supply might encounter is a blackout, which is a loss of power that can occur because of a blown fuse or damaged power line. A power surge is a significant increase in power that can last for a fraction of a second. It can be caused by turning off your appliances. Another problem that the power supply can encounter is a power sag. This is a drop in power that can last anywhere between a fraction of a second to several hours. This can be happen if heavy equipment is being used.
There is a device that can protect your computer from these problems. It is called an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The use of this power supply will ensure that there is no direct connection between the wall outlet and the power supply of the computer. Instead, both the wall outlet and the power supply of the computer are connected to the power supply. The power supply has the ability to eliminate noisy power sources and power surges. With this configuration, if there is a blackout or power sag, the non-interruptible power supply can provide the power supply of the computer with power from its own internal batteries. An UPS can usually provide power for about five to twenty minutes. But this is usually enough time to fix the problems with the power from the utility company. If you want a power supply to provide power for a longer time, you can expect to pay more money for it. In case the problems with the utility company cannot be fixed before the power supply runs out of power, the employees will still have enough time to save their work and safely power down their machines.
There are two types of non-interruptible power supply. One type is the standby UPS. A computer that is using a standby power supply will use the power from the wall outlet as long as there are no problems with the power from the utility company. But if the standby power supply detects a problem with the power, it will power the computer with its own internal batteries instead of the power from the utility company. However, there is a problem. The internal batteries deliver DC power but the power supply of the computer prefers to use 120-volt AC power instead. Fortunately, the standby uninterruptible power supply has an internal power inverter that will convert the DC power into AC power before using it to power the computer. The transition from using the power from the utility company to using the power from the internal batteries will occur in less than five milliseconds.
The other type of power supply is the continuous UPS. A computer that is connected to a continuous power supply is constantly supplied with power from the internal batteries of the continuous UPS. While this is occurring, the internal batteries are also being recharged by the wall outlet. Like the standby UPS, the continuous power supply has a power inverter. The power inverter will continuously convert the DC power of the internal batteries into 120-volt AC power that the power supply of the computer can use. If the power from the utility company is incapable of recharging the internal batteries, then the computer will use whatever power is left from the internal batteries.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Adopt Naturopathy & Yoga for Healthy Life

Naturopathy is a science and art of drugless system  or Alternative therapy  of healing for healthy living. It teaches us how we should live, what we should eat and how our daily routine should be. Its main emphasis is to change the living habits of people and educate them to adopt healthy lifestyle. It is simple and easy to practice at the same time within the reach of everyone.         

Our body is made up of five natural elements, earth, water, sun, air and sky. Perfect balance of these elements keeps the body in good order. For healthy living our daily activities and dietetic program should be such that balance of these elements continues to be restored.

Naturopathy has evolved out of forest research laboratories of the Sage and the ancient healing traditions. It has a preventative approach to health care and Alternative therapy to other medical streams like Alopathic and Homeopathic. World over, it is now recognized as a valuable and effective treatment for a variety of chronic disorders. Moreover Naturopathic medicine have no side effects.

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopathy focus on maintaining a balance between the human body and the nature. The latent force in the human body and the nature is actually utilized to cure ailments and restoring lost health, vitality and vigour. It thrives to create the positive effect of the five elements of nature on the human body by creating the natural (as made by nature) balance. This is achieved basically by obeying the natural laws and discipline in life so that healing takes place from within. Naturopathy thus uses the inherent latent power inside our body to heal drugless, by aligning the human body to the natural super system, thus creating a positive balance and aligning the vigour in the desired direction.

Naturopathy can cure the following diseases :Constipation, Migraine and headaches,Depression, Dyspepsia,Piles, Myopia, Impotency (Due to depression), BronchialAsthma,Amoebiasis,Insomnia, Ulcers,  Gastritis,Sinusitis,Dysentery,Hyper-acidity, Colitis,Arthritis,Spondylitices- Cervical, Chronic Bronchitis, Diabetes and Heart Disease (Functional),Allergic Rhinitis,General debility,  Eosinophilia, Hypertension, Leucorrhoea,Obesity and Menstrual Disorders. Naturopathy is an Alternative therapy and  is very helpful in almost all kinds of life style related and diseases.
Several systems of treatment like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani and Naturopathy etc. are prevalent in our country and almost all of these are having wide acceptance by public. However, it remains a fact that each system has its own advantages or limitations. No system can claim to be complete in all respects. Therefore the rational approach would be to have an integrated approach in respect of treatment and different system should become complementary to each other in the best interest of suffering masses.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Promotional Items - Effective Business Tool

In present times, it is not easy to market a business; you need to have right and effective marketing strategy. Of course, the ad messages are seen at every nook and corner and the world is bombarded with them. Companies are trying out various methods to advertise their products and services, that is, through radio, television, billboards etc.; there is constant bombardment of ads everywhere. One of the popular ways of marketing that companies are trying out to attract more customers is by distributing Promotional Items.

There are many popular promotional items, like apparels, bags, clocks, notebooks, business supplies, blossoming tea, candle box, jute bag, card, logo pot, caps, mugs, pens, calendar, umbrellas, key chains, shirts etc that quite popular among business people. These items promote your business in the best manner. They promote your business either directly or subtly. Regardless of the item, the purpose gets served in a rightful way. These items mainly enhance the visibility of your organization and brand. Effectively, every promotional item gives a better chance of making a sale.

When you choose Promotional gifts for your company, always try to gift those items which can be regularly used. This how you will be able to enhance the visibility of your brand in the market place. The Promotional items provide numerous advantages to any business. Yes, they can be used for various purposes like boosting the sales, strengthening old relations with clients, attracting new customers or even rewarding the employees for their hard work and dedication.

Gone are the days, when brochures and pamphlets were thought as the effective promotional tool. Today, most of them prefer promotional gift as it has become the best way to attract potential clients. When you gift the Promotional Products such as pen drives or any other valuable item used at homes, you ensure that your brand name reaches to the maximum people. Many a times these gifts spread the word much faster compared to placing an ad in newspaper, magazine or any other media. These items are useful for both businessman and consumer as well.

The Promotional items are usually distributed to the potential customers at the tradeshows or other promotional events. Once you gift any of the items, you are sure to hit the bulls' eye, and get you the success that you deserve. When it comes to choosing the promotional product for your business, there are endless options available. You can get to know about these Corporate Gifts at just few clicks of your mouse. Therefore, it becomes necessary for you to strategize the choices as per your event, company image, your target audience, and your budget. There are host of companies out there who can do the job for you. Thus, all you need to do is get onto the web and do a proper search; you will get the best products for the promotional purposes. Also, before purchasing these items, it is very important to verify the credibility of the company.

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