Monday, September 12, 2011

Adopt Naturopathy & Yoga for Healthy Life

Naturopathy is a science and art of drugless system  or Alternative therapy  of healing for healthy living. It teaches us how we should live, what we should eat and how our daily routine should be. Its main emphasis is to change the living habits of people and educate them to adopt healthy lifestyle. It is simple and easy to practice at the same time within the reach of everyone.         

Our body is made up of five natural elements, earth, water, sun, air and sky. Perfect balance of these elements keeps the body in good order. For healthy living our daily activities and dietetic program should be such that balance of these elements continues to be restored.

Naturopathy has evolved out of forest research laboratories of the Sage and the ancient healing traditions. It has a preventative approach to health care and Alternative therapy to other medical streams like Alopathic and Homeopathic. World over, it is now recognized as a valuable and effective treatment for a variety of chronic disorders. Moreover Naturopathic medicine have no side effects.

Why Naturopathy?

Naturopathy focus on maintaining a balance between the human body and the nature. The latent force in the human body and the nature is actually utilized to cure ailments and restoring lost health, vitality and vigour. It thrives to create the positive effect of the five elements of nature on the human body by creating the natural (as made by nature) balance. This is achieved basically by obeying the natural laws and discipline in life so that healing takes place from within. Naturopathy thus uses the inherent latent power inside our body to heal drugless, by aligning the human body to the natural super system, thus creating a positive balance and aligning the vigour in the desired direction.

Naturopathy can cure the following diseases :Constipation, Migraine and headaches,Depression, Dyspepsia,Piles, Myopia, Impotency (Due to depression), BronchialAsthma,Amoebiasis,Insomnia, Ulcers,  Gastritis,Sinusitis,Dysentery,Hyper-acidity, Colitis,Arthritis,Spondylitices- Cervical, Chronic Bronchitis, Diabetes and Heart Disease (Functional),Allergic Rhinitis,General debility,  Eosinophilia, Hypertension, Leucorrhoea,Obesity and Menstrual Disorders. Naturopathy is an Alternative therapy and  is very helpful in almost all kinds of life style related and diseases.
Several systems of treatment like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani and Naturopathy etc. are prevalent in our country and almost all of these are having wide acceptance by public. However, it remains a fact that each system has its own advantages or limitations. No system can claim to be complete in all respects. Therefore the rational approach would be to have an integrated approach in respect of treatment and different system should become complementary to each other in the best interest of suffering masses.

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1 comment:

Ayurveda Resorts said...

Excellent post regarding naturopathy. Actually naturopathy is very important which is focus on maintaining a balance between the human body and the nature. Thanks for sharing such impressive article with us.

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